The Byakugan has the same abilities as in the Anime and Manga, for the most part...
At gennin, you can see chakra, and see up to 100 ft, as well as 359 degree vision.
At chuunin, you can see the chakra paths and main chakra points(only 64), and up to 200 ft, as well as 359.3 degree vision.
At Jounin, you can see the actual chakra points(all of them), and up to 300 ft, as well as 359.6 degree vision.
If you are the clan leader, you can see all chakra points, up too 400 ft, and you have 360 degree vision.
Eight-Trigrams: 64 Palms is gennin ranked.
Eight-Trigrams: 128 Palms is chuunin ranked.
Eight-Trigrams: 256 Palms is Jounin ranked.
Eight-Trigrams: 512 Palms is Clan Leader only.
The Hevenly Spin is Chuunin ranked.
The Supreme Hevenly Spin is Jounin ranked.